Da asia: Covid – 19 The Global pandemic And The life in our school in Tibetan Homes Foundation, India
Redazione 27 Giugno 2020 In primo piano

Da asia: Covid – 19 The Global pandemic And The life in our school in Tibetan Homes Foundation, India

The news of the Global pandemic became an anxiety in India around the end of February with few cases found in New Delhi, the national capital of India.  It was also the time when we have our children rejoining to school and the start of new academic session. Somehow, the situation worsens and the Indian government had issued a notification to close all the schools as one of the best safety measures. Following, we have circulated a notification for all the parents to receive their children for an indefinite time till the next circular for school re-opening. Hence, all our children left the school campus from March 16 onwards.  At present, we have a remaining of 57 children with us in different hostels. The government extended the national curfew and Lock down in four different phases. At present, the situation in our town is also very bad with 76 positive cases in our district and 317 cases in our state Uttarkhand. But, life has to go on and in this unprecedented period, our school teachers have started with the “Online Teaching” to impart the continuity of the school syllabus and the education as a whole. A “Socially Productive Works” were also started under the projects for our non-teaching staff. The period is difficult with the dramatic change in everyone’s life with the deadly spread of the virus. The sanitization, mask, online education, awareness talk and the travelling of facility provision staff incurs extra expenses to the school’s fund. In addition, the recent change in the banking norms with the reduction in the interest rates was an alarming stage for the sustainability of our school as a whole. Since a part of the school’s expenses were covered from the interest,
we received from the banks. The present instability everywhere because of the pandemic has created a long  run impact on the sustainability of our school of more 1792 children, 67 elderly people and 340 staff. To try to bring a positive impact out of this difficult period, we have started with the Socially Productive Works for our non-teaching staff to work in parallel with the online classes taken by our teachers.